Thursday, February 05, 2009

using promoted properties websphere enterprise service bus aka ESB

The concept of the promoted property is dynamic change without restarting or reinstalling the application again. ESB is used mostly in integeration space. Each and every down time of app change counts. This is very good feature. The implemenatation example goes like this.

For example there is two type of implementations which will be used in the mediation flow, only one of the implementation will be used which one to use will can be configured using the promoted property.

Use "MessageFilter" primitive. In the details select the distribution as "First" . And in the filters tab using xpath create two terminals "match1" and "match2".Click on the promoted properties you can see the filter property is promoted field. select the two field and give alias name different.

Wire the "match1" terminal to one application and "match2" to other application.

Deploy the application. Log in to the admin console. Go the sca modules. This will display all the applications deployed in the server.Select the application and then select mdoule properties there you can see your two properties

Give the value such that it passes one condition (it will use one application at a time). If you gave both the conditions as true. since you have given distribution as first. The first condtion matched terminal will be fired.

If you want all the terminals to be fired then set the distribution property as "All". It will the check all the conditions and fires which ever matching