Monday, April 06, 2009

Elections 2009

Google in partnership with HindustanTimes has launched site for Lok Sabha Elections 2009, It contains consitutency map search, data from conitutency, feeds from various source, news, blogs and videos about elections.

Addiional information like earlier contenders from the consitutency and cool one is search for polling booth details but this is for only for selected cities

Yahoo do have a elections special webpage election '09, It does not have the feature of google. It simply had news feed, analysis, opinon.

Google coverage seems interesting it has quite good lots of data, i searched for consitutency coimbatore it gave the details of the person who has selected earlier and gave his history too

Yahoo lacks with these details, Google always has an upper hand,

For more information about this just go through this article inTechCrunch