Not sure whether this is will be a everyday requirement, but this one popped in front us some time back. Like all other things we kept this so called idea on the shelf and kept watching. At last we decided to try this out so that we can implement this setup. Rolled up our sleeves and got it to action
First downloaded the clear case solaris installation passport advantage. Download the clear case as per our requirement check before downloading whether it's for Intel (X86) or for SPARC.
After downloading copy those file to target machine where installation needs to be done.
Make sure you have enough space on the target machine (preferably free space 2GB)
Check whether you have root user access before starting the installation
From the downloaded installation copy you will find cc_ms_install.pdf keep that open you might need that for reference and Google at standby ;-)
We followed this technote which worked
Add the machine name and IP in the hosts file in both the machines (UNIX & windows vice versa) to identify in the network
Run the site_prep script which will prepare the environment before installation, will ask about the registry server and license server.
Note: The registry & License server should be common one for windows for Linux
Enter the details which you know, skip the other details or confirm it twice before entering.
After that completion of script run install_script file for installing actual clear case
Select standard installation, since you have already entered the necessary data in site_prep it will ask for confirmation. So keep going
Clear Case Setup
Create a UNIX region in solaris machine using the clear case command for creating region
After region creation, make sure the region created is visible on windows machine & solaris machine
Here After follow whatever given in the article which you have opened
Create the UNIX snapshot view (check the article)
Create the VOB tag for the UNIX region (check the article)
Load the VOB
While creating snapshot view, check the option carefully there is value "-tmode strip_cr" which will make your files loading will be slow and may not load some of the files which are not compatible to UNIX.
Loading the VOB, if you loading ends up only top level folder, follow this
Here is small trick if you follow the article the clear case will be loaded but only the top level folders will be loaded., You are correct this behaviour is not common if you face this. We have a solution. create a snapshot view in windows using that view open the edcs, copy the contents in that and use the same in your UNIX machine. There goes all your files will start loading.
I'm not a SCM guy and many thanks to subbu who ran the show and for PS & naveen for helping and guiding to make this happen.
There was not enough material on this topic, so thought of my 2 cents contributions to the SCM community. ... :-)
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9 years ago
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